Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Finally a Place to Meet!!

I am so proud and excited to announce the grand opening of my meet up group, Mommy Makeover! This is exciting for me because it is a place for me to actually meet like-minded moms and their little ones while doing my favorite things- having a great time with my little Ryu and getting healthy with friends at the same time! Let me share with you what Mommy Makeover is all about:

I have always been passionate about health and fitness and even more so after the birth of my son, Ryu. What I would like to accomplish with Mommy Makeover is to inspire other mommies to create a healthy environment where there families can flourish. Mommy Makeover is about beauty from the inside out; as a bonus, my son and I want to meet other mommies and there little ones to create friendships! 

Let's be honest- the health of a family starts with Mommy! As a woman in today's world, it isn't hard to feel the pressure of taking on so many roles; for example: a wife, a mother, career woman, daughter, sister, friend, cheerleader, doctor, disciplinarian, homework helper, cab driver, cook, housekeeper, doctor, clothing washer....the possibilities seem endless! Basically, a mom's role, to me, is a very nurturing one where our families look to us for support, motivation, compassion, and fortitude. Being a mom is not an easy job and it is definitely a, "learn as you go" process that brings unity and structure to the whole family. Because of these things, I have been inspired to reach out to other mommies and discover and share everything about being a healthy mommy and having a healthy family.

Mommy Makeover is more than just another program about health and nutrition- it's about enjoying mommyhood and transforming your health and your family's health into a fun and creative lifestyle approach. With Mommy Makeover, families can find the tools and resources for healthful activities and ideas to keep them motivated for a healthy lifestyle. This Mommy Makeover program is specifically designed to reach out to moms of all ages and fitness levels by offering seminars, workouts, play dates, mommy time, and a support group to to help bring together a community of like-minded fit mommies. This meet up group is for anyone who is interested in discovering the benefits of integrating fitness and nutrition into their lives and inspiring their family to lead a healthy lifestyle. 

You can explore if Mommy Makeover is right for you and your little one simply by visiting my site at: Mommy Makeover !

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